Recently I was invited to a weekend retreat entitled Journey of Generosity. Immediately you "know" there will be pressure to make a sizable gift. Nope! Not at all. This amazing journey was a gift to my heart and soul. It gently connected me with others who want to give freely, but have very different means of giving. The ultimate message was to give biblically and to trust in the giver of all things, our Lord God.
Can you do that? I want to do that!
"We share the joy of giving, not out of duty or guilt, but out of gratitude for salvation in Christ."
The message of biblical generosity creates room for deep conversations which leads to greater joy in giving and intimacy with Christ. Have you ever thought of gathering a group of friends for the purpose of generosity. Me neither! That is before this weekend. I now see how we could grow closer and make a bigger impact as friends if we join together to impact the Kingdom with our giving.
Consider this...
Excel in the grace of giving-
2 Corinthians 8:7 says, "But just as you excel in everything - in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us - see that you also excel in this grace of giving."
Today, will you listen to the Lord and his promptings for your giving and will you develop a vision for living generously?