Start Your Giving Journey Here
Your generosity transforms marriages, communities, individuals, and families. We invite our faithful supporters to create a personal giving story, where you contribute both your talents and your treasures to transform the lives of those in need.
"It isn't just about giving your money to a charitable organization; it's about seeing a need and finding a way to take care of that need. If everyone took on this mindset, just imagine how our communities would change!"
- Brad Formsma, I like Giving
The Transforming Power of a Generous Life

Recurring Donation
We couldn't do this work without you!
Those who believe in the power of generosity are partners in transforming lives through outreach ministry. When you set up a monthly recurring donation, you are strengthening that teams ability to plan and grow through a reliable budget. Direct donations from recurring donors are the sustaining factor for outreach ministries.
Please visit the ministry drop down tab.
Donor Advised Funds
A simple, flexible, and tax-savvy way to give.
A donor-advised fund is like a charitable investment account, for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations you care about. When you contribute cash, securities or other assets to a donor-advised fund at a public charity, you are generally eligible to take an immediate tax deduction. Then those funds can be invested for tax-free growth and you can recommend grants to virtually any IRS-qualified public charity. This is a great way to grow the impact of your charitable giving.

Estate Giving
A legacy of generosity
Giving beyond a donors lifetime to continue the charitable work they invested in takes planning with a tax specialist who will guide you through setting up a will or trust with your beneficiary being named. Estate giving is a loving way to continue your good work through the outreach ministry of your choice.
Foundations and Giving Groups
Where your heart is, there your treasure flows.
The power of impactful giving is increased when we join together with a Foundation or Giving Group (a less formal group of associates who pool resources and give together to make a lasting difference.)

Memorial Gifts
A Life Well Lived
When a generous and cause focussed loved one passes away, a loving way to memorialize their life and work is to share a memorial gift in leu of flowers. When this is done through InFocus Ministries the family will receive a letter of gratitude on behalf of their loved one along with the name(s) of the memorial gift donor.
Please note that your gift is a memorial gift.

Creative Philanthropy
You are creative, passionate, and resourceful.
You are excited about the mission and vision of your favorite outreach and want to see their impact grow beyond what your pocket book allows. Join the creative philanthropy movement!
Host a small event: garage sale, bake sale, party with a purpose.
Serve at one of our fundraising events.
Ask your employer to direct their charitable donations to one or more of our InFocus teams.
Invite us to speak for your civic organization.
Choose us for your VBS or Sunday School Missions offering.
Share our page and our stories on your social media page.
Pray for us and those who we serve!
Thank you to all our faithful supporters!